Champion Air Print Ads

“Summer in Phoenix is the winter of my discontent.” That’s me, not Shakespeare. But seriously, this place is hot, and you don’t want your A/C unit breaking down when it’s 115 degrees outside.

Champion Air, a top-shelf HVAC service provider in the Valley of the Sun, wanted to take advantage of the rebates and tax credit incentives that are a part of the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act. Their goal: to sell energy-efficient HVAC systems and parts. My challenge: to simplify the complexities of federal and state guidelines and win over dubious sales leads.

After researching the company’s core values, the customers’ chief pain points, and the federal program’s red tape, the messaging angle became clear: boil it down to money saved and reinforce the brand’s well-established trustworthiness. The rest could be explained after a lead responded to our call to action.

Simple “dollars received” messaging on the front of this direct mail piece

Trustworthy and helpful content on the back

The Results

After six months, Champion received over 700 calls in response to the ad, converting to an exceptional ROAS of 15.5 (for every advertising dollar spent, it yielded 15.5). With such a great offer, the copy’s job was to clarify and get out of the way, and that. it. did.


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